Louise Queen

Posts Tagged ‘cat’

Oreo Flavored Blizzard

In My day to day, Uncategorized on July 22, 2010 at 8:35 pm

To many an Oreo flavored Blizzard is a yummy ice cream treat from Dairy Queen. It consists of ice cream combined with chunks of oreo cookie.

To us an Oreo Blizzard has a slightly different meaning:




We adopted both kitty’s from SHAID Animal Shelter. We’ve had Oreo a little under a year and Blizzard has now been with us for almost a week. SHAID (Sheltering Helpless Animals In Distress) provides temporary care and shelter to helpless animals in distress, be they abandoned, homeless or relinquished and they try to place as many as possible into responsible and caring homes. They are always happy to accept donations whether it’s cash or food/litter, etc.

Visit their website today – SHAID

Oreo helps out around the house

In My day to day on October 2, 2009 at 9:57 am

Our old fridge broke down on Monday, just another thing to go wrong with this damned rental house. Fortunately, we noticed before too much damage was done and a new fridge was delivered first thing on Tuesday. Oreo decided to help Cameron put all the food back in the new one…



In fact, Oreo is very good at helping out whenever food is involved. Her she is helping to put the groceries away…



In My day to day on September 26, 2009 at 3:30 pm

Well after years of persuasion Cameron finally gave in and today we went to pick up our new kitten….



We called her Oreo due to her black and white markings – we thought it was a rather fitting name, seen as the cookies have a black outside and a creamy white filling.

She’s 5 months old which means she is very playful…


Here she is trying to go up Cameron’s trouser leg.


She has already perfected ‘the look’ for when she gets told off/doesn’t get what she wants…


I’m sure there will be plenty more photos coming soon!