Louise Queen

Posts Tagged ‘Walking’

A few snowy snapshots from round n’ about!

In My day to day on January 21, 2010 at 12:01 pm

So after a very green November and December, Nova Scotia is once again starting to look like a winter wonderland. Here are a few random snapshots we’ve taken whilst out and about the last few weeks.

Snowbanks at Walmart

Snowed In!

Follow the leader


Snack time

Cameron spent 2 hours this morning shoveling the driveway! We have to admit that as much as we love our ocean view we are looking forward to moving back into town next month – more on that soon…

Fall Colours

In Sites and Sounds on October 25, 2009 at 4:44 pm

Cameron and I have been awake since 5am this morning, well in fact that’s maybe a slight lie… Since I was awake at 5am and couldn’t get back to sleep I decided to give Cameron a wee poke so I’d have someone to talk to. The reason I was awake at that time? Howling winds and driving rain – to the point where the rain was coming in under the patio door and the windows were leaking. We had to run round laying down towels and strategically placing pots/pans etc. Once this mission was completed we climbed back under the covers, after a cup of tea, and some more chit chat we both finally drifted off again for a little while. Amazingly we woke to blue skies and gorgeous sunshine. We decided to make the best of the weather and headed off out for a walk around the old railway line in Lunenburg. The colours were amazing, truly beautiful. I think these pictures say it all…





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Centennial Trail

In Sites and Sounds on May 28, 2009 at 1:45 pm

Shortly before the provincial government purchased the old railway line running between Halifax and Liverpool, Bridgewater acquired the section inside its municipal boundaries. Passing through the centre of the town and following alongside the Lahave River, this trail makes for a beautiful hiking, biking or even cross-country skiing route.


The centrepiece of the whole thing is the massive steel bridge that crosses the Lahave river. If you look closely you will spot the Michelin Tire logo on the side of the bridge – the company paid for the restoration of this grand structure.

Lahave River Bridge

Lahave River Bridge

The trail offers several different paths. Cameron and I opted for the more remote/scenic route and took a left turn after crossing the bridge. This section of trail runs high above the river and is shaded by lots of pines. It is also scattered with various plants, flowers and blossom.



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Marriot’s Cove Walk

In My day to day on October 21, 2008 at 8:20 pm

Last Sunday (19th) I woke up to the smell of bacon and waffles… minus the maple syrup still – there is just no convincing me, it tastes funny!

Headed out to a nice wee place called Marriot’s Cove for a long ‘fall’ walk. The trees are ‘absolutely’ (a favorite Canadian word) ‘amazing’ (and another one)! We had fun fooling around, playing with the rocks and munching on apples. There are millions of apple trees everywhere you go in Nova Scotia, no need to pop out to the supermarket…

Apple Munching - a new sport!

Apple Munching - a new sport!

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