Louise Queen

Posts Tagged ‘parents’

That looks more like a kayak than a canoe!

In My day to day on May 22, 2009 at 12:25 pm


Shortly after we bought our canoe, Cameron’s parent’s purchased a kayak.Last night we finally got the chance to take it for a little spin to see how it compared to our wee green boat. We paddled along what is locally known as ‘Back Harbour’, a very sheltered innlet where lots of locals launch their boats before going out into choppier seas.

Jeff and I

Jeff and I

Although I really enjoyed it and found the paddling much easier than in the canoe, Cameron felt rather claustrophobic – he much prefers the open style and leg room of the canoe. However, we still quite fancy single kayaks which would open up a few more routes for us… i.e. rivers with a few baby white rapids would be good to start with!

Project Canoe – Part 1

In My day to day on April 27, 2009 at 3:50 pm

Well I bet you’ve all been wondering what we did with the money you gave us for our wedding; 1)We went on honeymoon, 2)We moved to Canada and 3) We bought a canoe!

Since we arrived in Nova Scotia in October we’ve been looking out for a canoe. We’ve looked everywhere and quickly became depressed when we realized that a new canoe was a lot more expensive than we had anticipated. Time for Plan B – http://www.kijiji.ca, Canada’s answer to pretty much everything (second hand equipment and furnishings – boats – cars – house rentals – the list is endless). Still we had no luck! Plan C – go for a walk around your local town and look in people’s gardens.

We (well actually, Cameron’s parents) spotted a canoe in the garden of a gentleman that lives at the top of our road. It looked good but rather in need of some TLC. We simply asked him if he could consider selling it, he replied ‘make me an offer’, we did and the canoe was ours.

As mentioned before it was in need of some work, so we got to it. We carried the canoe home and placed it in our garden…

Original Canoe

Original Canoe

Step one – a trip to the hardware store for some sand paper!

Step Two – sand it!

Half n Half - Sanded

Half n Half - Sanded

Read the rest of this entry »

A special dedication…

In Sites and Sounds on March 26, 2009 at 11:29 am

So so sorry that I missed you out of my previous Scotland posts – It was purely by mistake!

As you mentioned we did in fact try to go to Portsoy beach but it was so bloody muddy that we couldn’t make it down the path (the path runs down the side of the cliff, so it’s pretty steep).


So we gave up, turned around and headed back to Huntly. If you’re not from the Huntly area, you simply will never understand the attraction but to us its ‘home.’ It’s also home to Rizza Ice Cream & Sweetie shop and a trip to Huntly wouldn’t be complete without an ice cream and some penny sweeties!

Rizza Ice Cream

Rizza Ice Cream

After a stroll round Huntly and a trip to visit your parents we return to my parent’s house to play some Wii – you better admit that I kicked your ass 😛





Thank you for a great day and so once again for missing you out before!