Louise Queen

Posts Tagged ‘Outdoors’

Canada’s wild ‘harvest’

In My day to day on January 27, 2009 at 4:08 pm

Whilst browsing through the magazine section of our local supermarket, Cameron, was delighted to find not one but several (a hell of a lot) of hunting magazines – specializing in prey from Whitetails to Moose to Bears to Turkey to Big Cats! Whitetails being the key deer species hunted here – a little larger than Scottish roe’s for the most part, with medal bucks sought after fanatically by hunters.



“Young Nova Scotians will have more opportunity again this year, with ages for companion moose hunters set at 16 years, as is the age to take a guide training course”
I think the above statement just about sums up how big a deal hunting is in Canada! Whilst trawling through the internet the other day I came across a document published by the Nova Scotian governing body entitled ‘Hunting Regulations.’ I ploughed my way through all 43 pages of part A (I was bored) – there were still part B, C and D to go (I never made it that far). I was amazed at some of the points that were made with this guide… I particularly liked the fact that the following remark was in bold at the very top of the first page:
This License and Regulations Booklet is made of light cardboard and paper. It is recommended that you keep it in a waterproof container, such as a Zip Lock bag, to keep it clean and dry.
How many manuals recommend that you should keep them in a Zip Lock bag? Why not pop it in with your sandwiches? After all Canada is all about reducing, reusing and recycling! Read the rest of this entry »

Jock the Jeep

In My day to day on October 25, 2008 at 8:09 pm

Not had much chance to get online the last couple of days so thought I would just give you a quick run down of what we’ve been up to…

25th – Went to Liverpool (nice name) to pick up our new car now officially known as “Jock the Jeep”.

Jock the Jeep

Jock the Jeep

After picking Jock up from the garage, we decided to let him stretch his legs… Read the rest of this entry »