Louise Queen

Posts Tagged ‘stovies’

Stovies Recipe

In Recipes on April 28, 2009 at 11:05 am


Stovies = a traditional Scottish dish made with leftovers from the Sunday roast! Quick, easy and delicious. Although cleaning the pan after-wards isn’t that much fun..

Let me start with a confession, I don’t make stovies the ‘traditional’ way. Like everything else that comes out of my kitchen, they are made to my own unique recipe. However, (without sounding big headed) they taste pretty damn good.

What you’ll need:
*a large saucepan with lid
*oil (olive or vegetable)\
*1 large onion
*8-10 large potatoes
*1 pint of beef stock
*left over gravy
*left over meat
*beetroot and oatcakes to serve

1) Chop an onion into fairly small pieces and soften in some oil



2)Peel and then slice 8-10 potatoes (no hard and fast rule, the more potatoes, the more stovies you’ll end up with) into rounds



3)Add potatoes into the pan with the onions. Stir and remove from the heat. Read the rest of this entry »

Just another teuchter in Scotland – Part 2

In Sites and Sounds on March 13, 2009 at 12:40 pm

Friday = a trip to Dunkeld for stovies and a walk at the Hermitage – a National Trust for Scotland property on land which stretches up the River Braan from just off the A9.



falls at river braan

falls at river braan

The evening was spent at Perth Concert Hall listening to the Peatbog Faeries, ‘a celtic fusion band’. Probably wouldn’t have been my choice for an evening of music but the atmosphere was fantastic and it’s good to try something different once in a while. Peatbog Faeries – listen here Read the rest of this entry »